Our Approach
Our Mission, Our Vision
The mission of Bridges and Ladders is to provide guidance for middle school and high school students in preparation for higher education and career pathways. Bridges and Ladders is dedicated to providing quality educational and career planning services to all students. Our vision is for every student to be informed and prepared to reach their highest educational and career goals.
Our Story
Our Story
The pursuit of higher education at top colleges and universities is becoming more complex and more selective each year. The best academic institutions are seeing record numbers of student applications for a limited number of available slots in incoming classes. Acceptance rates are dropping as the number of applications rises. And the pool of eligible students is growing more sophisticated and more competitive over time. Many strong students are getting left behind in the quest for a college education.
A higher degree of effort is required of students and parents than ever before. The development of an academic plan early in a student’s academic career is a major factor in the preparation for next level education. Yet access to academic counselors at high schools is becoming more difficult due to budget cuts or budget reallocations. Counselors are faced with increasing workloads and more students to monitor than in the past. In the end, students suffer from this lack of support.
Bridges and Ladders strives to prepare students to meet the challenges of college acceptance and academic success.
Meet the Team
Bridges and Ladders advisors have high level, specialized experience in admissions to top tier colleges and universities, as well as financial advising to maximize student and family assistance eligibility.

Allyson M. Gipson, Esq.
Founder & CEO
Allyson Gipson has been providing students with college admissions guidance as a member of the U.C. Berkeley Alumni Ambassadors since 2002. A member of the University of California Presidential Task Force, Allyson is the driving force behind the firm.

Ravinder Karwal
Chief Financial Officer
A finance and technology expert, Ravinder Karwal has a particular interest in social entrepreneurship and in supporting the educational endeavors of students as they plan for the future.
Next Steps...
To learn more about ways to support your college-bound student, please contact us to get started!